‘A Pair of Nuts’ to perform

By: Ben F. Badger Jr. / Asst. News Director
For students seeking a night of laughter, “A Pair of Nuts: The Comedy Duo” starring alumni Yamil Piedra and Johnny Trabanco will be performed at the Miami Improv Oct. 10 at 8:30 p.m.

The show will consist of loosely improvised sketches and several videos in between the sketches.

According to Trabanco, attendees can expect a lot of sketches about ridiculous situations.

Both comedians described the show as being similar to late night comedy shows, but with only two people.

“I’ve been watching “Saturday Night Live” since I was little,” Piedra said. “Our show has a very SNL feel to it.”

The comedians won “Best South Florida Performance” at the 2007 Miami Improv Festival and were featured on BET’s “We’ve Got to Do Better.” The duo has been acting together since they joined FIU’s Impromedy, an improv and sketch comedy troupe which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this semester.

Piedra, an FIU alumnus, describes his stand up routines as being dry humor, but he has a lot of pride in his sketch comedy and acting skills.

“I was an actor before I was a comedian,” Piedra said. “I love them both equally, but you get that immediate reaction with comedy.”

The actor/comedian has showed up on television a few times in various roles on shows such as “Boston Legal,” “Las Vegas” and “Last Comic Standing.”

Despite his TV spots, Piedra does not consider any one of his appearances a “big break” and is still waiting for it to happen. Until then, he has his routines and a degree in theatre from FIU to fall back on.

The other “nut” is Trabanco, who is in radio sales during the day, but by night, is a self-proclaimed “sketch comedy genius of South Florida.”

“We play off each other,” Trabanco said.

Trabanco said that his comedy career does not provide him much monetary support, but money is not the reason he does it.

“I get a high off people laughing,” Trabanco said. “If I can get a big group of people laughing, it’s worth it.”

For a preview of what to expect at their show, visit www.myspace.com/pairofnuts. Several filmed sketches such as “Gayo” and “Flavor Farts” are posted on the site for viewing.

The cost for admission is $10 and if the show is successful enough, Trabanco said that the Miami Improv might pick up the show for several months. So, naturally the “nuts” are hopeful that Oct. 10 will be a big success.

“We’re very excited about performing on the same stage as so many great comics,” Piedra said in a press release. “It’s an all new show that’s gonna kick ass on all levels.”

Those interested in attending must be at least 18 years old to attend and 21 to drink.

For directions to the Miami Improv, visit www.miamiimprov.com. And for more information on the “nuts,” check www.myspace.com/yamil and www.myspace.com/johnnytrabs.

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